
doc. JUDr. et PhDr. mult. Libor Klimek, PhD., Dr. h. c. (e-mail:

He is a specialist in criminal law. In the past he was an advisor to the First Senate of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in matters of criminal law. At the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic he was co-creator of the Act No. 274/2017 Coll. on Victims of Crime and co-creator of the European Network for Victims’ Rights. Later he established his own law office in Bratislava. He has provided legal services to clients from 8 countries (Slovakia, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania).

In addition to practice, he works at Universities in 4 states, where he specialises in criminal law. He is a professor of European criminal law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leipzig in Germany (established in 1409 – today one of the oldest prestigious Universities in the world). At the Faculty of Law of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (SR), he is a co-guarantor of obtaining the degrees of docent and professor in the field of criminal law. He is an external member of the committees for the defense of doctoral theses in criminal law (PhD.) at the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava (Slovakia), at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) and at the Faculty of Law of the University in Vilnius (Lithuania).

He regularly lectures at international conferences and Universities home and abroad. He lectured at all law faculties in the Slovak Republic. As regards his foreign lectures, he presented criminal law topics, for example, in Oxford (United Kingdom), Cambridge (United Kingdom), Leipzig (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Moscow (Russia), Prague (Czech Republic), Warsaw (Poland) and Tbilisi (Georgia).

He is also engaged in assessment and expert work. He is an opponent of diploma works and Ph.D. dissertation theses. He is a reviewer of professional and scientific books published in the Slovak Republic and abroad. He reviews professional and scientific articles for domestic and foreign journals – for example, Judicial Review [Justičná revue] published by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, in Switzerland Laws, as well as Russian magazine Economic Problems and Legal Practice [Экономические проблемы и юридическая практика] published by the renowned Moscow publishing house Yur-VAK. As a national expert for Slovak criminal law, he prepares legal analyses for the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and participates as an external member in its international projects.

He speaks 5 languages.